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​ekmattra handicraft factory values ​​the “Place” where they can be who they are as a mother ,and of course as a woman as well as keeping proper employment.

For them, this is a place to work, and a school. I hope it will soon become a safety net that they ca trust and feel secured anytime.


Work Side by Children

​Mothers regaldless where they are from,cannot leave their little child and go to work


.That is why the support of people around them is indispensable for them to balance childcare and work. At the daycare facility attached to the workshop,there are many toys and babysitters always welcome children with their arms opened. Moms can focus on their work without making their children feel lonely.



Stable Income

Wage of the most jobs in the village are low and incomes are unstable. Many female staff also relied on their husband's income which are either unstable or without income.


Under the circumstance,we have adopted a system that allows them to receive as much reward as they have worked hard, regardless of sales,through “fixed salary + commission salary”. With stable income, they can make a budget or balance their expenditure.


​Support Life event

If even woman make it find a job, they couldn't work because they are pregnant ... And, they lost their income and they couldn't raise baby even if they could have gave birth ... To support such a women, "paid leave system for pregnancy and childcare period"

 has been established.

Giving birth and childcare are important life events for women. We should celebrate it with people around, and after the child grows up a little, take the child with her to come back to work. So we provide enough financial and mental care and support system from pregnancy to postpartum.



​Skill Training

Originally, almost all the staffs in the workshop were from poor families who could not go to school and had no skills. For such women, we provide good skill training other than work, such as traditional embroidery as well as decoration and accessory making skills for products you lean they work.


We are going to sopport women so that they can go wherever they go in the future and they can decide whatever they want in their life freely and confidently.



​Woman-Friendly Place

In addition to monthly meetings, we go to a family picnic once every six months, prepare gifts for  anniversary and vacations, and listen to the situation of the family ...


By holding events and taking care of each individual, not only can they stay highly motivated, but also women can rely on the workplace as a place they can talk abou anything.

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